
Punk Camellia, 2021
A chapbook showcasing works featured at Art Miami 2021, ‘Punk Camellia’ is a spare and vibrant catalogue of recent canvases that subvert and expand upon the botanical motifs of Evangeline’s career-spanning Camellia series.
Composed of 26 recent works in oil on canvas, the book opens with an introduction written by Evangeline herself: “Punk can mean ‘a little unfinished’. To distill the feeling of a nature-watch into a series, to get the flash and the simplicity, I developed some simple flowers from my garden[..]”
Composed of 26 recent works in oil on canvas, the book opens with an introduction written by Evangeline herself: “Punk can mean ‘a little unfinished’. To distill the feeling of a nature-watch into a series, to get the flash and the simplicity, I developed some simple flowers from my garden[..]”

Margaret Evangeline, 2011
Buy Barnes & Noble"Her artwork is exemplified by a devoted investigation of the in-between: emotion and perception, object and experience, component and concept. Her creative output also lies between disciplines, fluctuating from painting, sculpture, and site-specific installation, the extent of which is illustrated in this publication." - J. Beer, The Brooklyn Rail
"[...] takes the reader further into Evangeline’s mind and personality—how her works revolve around her sense of place and her need to be close to a river. Such nuances are picked up throughout the book and reveal an artist deeply attuned to what’s around her, unafraid to use a variety of mediums."- J. Parkey, Scultpure Magazine

Sabachthani, 2012
Buy Barnes & Noble"This elegant, spare art book pairs black-and-white plates of two recent sculptural works with poems about grief, faith, and doubt during wartime. In 2011, Evangeline sent 20 aluminum bars to her son, who was completing his deployment in Iraq. He then recruited two soldiers to shoot the metal strips with their guns, creating punctures and puckers where the bullets passed through."- Publisher's Weekly

We Thought We Were Drowning, But It Was Only Love, 2013
Buy iBooksThis interactive book presents many of the canvasses comprising Margaret Evangeline’s latest sequence of paintings: We Thought We Were Drowning, But It Was Only Love.
Essays by Dominigue Nahas and Lilly Wei, as well as the artist’s own text shed light on the deep literary, philosophical and historical currents that lay beneath the surface of the paintings, leading the viewer on a rich visual journey.
In a video interview filmed at her studio, Evangeline shares her early memories and the experiences which continue to influence her artistic exploration.